
European Industry Days 2019: local Event, Patras, 6th of March 2019
Entrepreneurship and the 4th Industrial Revolution was the main focus of the conference with the title “Crisis remedy - Industry innovation and globalization”, organized on 6th of March 2019 in Patras by the Regional Government in cooperation with the Information Center “Europe Direct Patras”.

Successfull evaluation of RWG - EER 2017
"You must feel proud that in such a difficult time for your country, the Region of Western Greece managed to implement such a demanding action plan for which it was awarded the European Entrepreneurial Region 2017 Prize". With these words, First Vice-President of EU Committee of the Regions, Mr. Markku Markkula, rewarded all the initiatives and actions undertaken by the Region of Western Greece and added: "Continue with the same pace. Do not be complacent".

iEER: sharing entrepreneurial region experience
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region and the Northern Ireland shared their experience of being European entrepreneurial Region and the work of iEER in Patras, the regional capital of Western Greece on 15th of December. The high level international conference on Entrepreneurship and Development was officially opened by the President of Greece, Prokopios Pavlopoulos, who stressed the needs for strengthening alliances and cooperation in Europe.

Invitation to a Stakeholder Group Meeting of the Rur@l SME project
The Region of Western Greece (RGW) and the Regional Development Fund (RDF) in cooperation with the TEI of Western Greece are organizing a Workshop of the Regional Team of Implementation (RSG) of the Rur@l SME project to be held in Messolonghi on Monday, 23/10/2017 - Regional Unity Conference Room Aitoloakarnania from 10.00-13.00.