
Invitation to a Stakeholder Group Meeting of the Rur@l SME project

The Region of Western Greece (RGW) and the Regional Development Fund (RDF) in cooperation with the TEI of Western Greece are organizing a Workshop of the Regional Team of Implementation (RSG) of the Rur@l SME project to be held in Messolonghi on Monday, 23/10/2017 - Regional Unity Conference Room Aitoloakarnania from 10.00-13.00.

The meeting takes place within the framework of the RGW/RDF participation in the European project "Rur@l SMEs: Policies to Develop Entrepreneurship and Innovative SMEs in Rural Areas - Strategies for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises in Rural Areas". This project is funded by Interreg Europe 2014-2020 and aims to strengthen and improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas, focusing on innovation and outward-looking through restructuring, modernization and economic diversification of regional economically oriented initially into technological , sectoral and cross-sectoral priority areas (agricultural production, aquaculture and food, tourism & culture, materials and microelectronics, ICT, energy adjuncts).

The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a Regional Action Plan on good practices and optimal governance through synergies between business clusters, educational / research and productive organizations so that:

  • Rebuild the production base with new or different competing products, which will be exported to the international market and will contribute to the internationalization of enterprises.
  • Enhance business activity with the prospect of growth and production of high added value products and services within larger production chains and facilitate the exploitation of new ideas and business support (new and existing).
  • To promote youth entrepreneurship in various fields by exploiting all forms of innovation, creativity and technological expertise.

For the successful implementation of the above it is considered necessary to contribute and support representatives of the local government, the business and the educational / research area, as a triptych of economic and social development.

In the context of the implementation of the implementation plan, regional meetings are held every six months with representatives of the above three-pillar organizations in order to inform on the good practices identified so far in the program and on the other hand to record the potential for each region to develop similar initiatives and actions. The representatives of these bodies form an informal but substantial and open to the structure Regional Stakeholder Group within the project.

Therefore, the stakeholder involvement in the Rur @! Project of the Regional Implementation Team (RSG) SMEs to be held in Messolonghi on Monday, 23/10/2017 - Aulao-Acarnania Regional Meeting Room from 10.00 to 13.00 is considered to be particularly beneficial in order to ensure the maximum possible viewpoints and the use of good practices that will result from this program.

In the coming semesters, working meetings will continue in the rest of the EU.

To apply, please fill in the attached form and send it to mail or contact tel. 2613-613-640 and 2613613626 Ms. Anastasia Petropoulou (RDF).

PROGRAM OF THE 2nd WORK MEETING - Messolonghi, Monday 23/10/2017

10.00 – 10.30 Entry - Records - Coffee
10.30 – 10.40 Regards: Deputy Regional Governor Aitoloacarnania, Ms. Christina Stavaka
10.40 – 10.55 Presentation of the Rur@l SME Project / Good Practices, RDF/RWG project team
10.55 – 11.10 “The Start Up Europe University Network & the SECiU initiative”, Spyros Syrmakeis, Vice-Rector of Research & Development TEI of Western Greece
11.10 - 11.25 "National Design of Research and Innovation in Agri-Food”, George Salahas, Vice Rector of TEI Western Greece Member of the National Council for Research & Technology
11.25 – 11.40 "Optimizing business practices through soil analyzes", Pantelis Barouchas, Associate Professor of Agricultural Technologists
11.40 – 11.55 "Innovative business practices in winemaking", Hristos Kolyperas, Oenologist, Kolyperas Winery
11.55 – 13.00 Discussion of stakeholders
